We are West Dorset Wilding
In 2020, a small group landowners / farmers and a conservationist decided to take a stand and see whether, collectively, and working in collaboration with other organisations, they can start to make a difference for nature in West Dorset. They want to see improvements in the biodiversity, water, air and soil quality, carbon capture, and flood and drought alleviation. In short they wanted to make space for nature, and give it a chance, and do it on a locally meaningful scale.
At the very end of 2021, the organisation was formally constituted as a charity. In technical terms, we are a Charitable Incorporated Organisation by Association, which means we have a constitution (download here) and voting members other than just the Trustees. You can see our charity number and registered address in the website footer, and our 22/23 Annual Report, Accounts and Charity TAR at the respective links.
At the end of 2023, we learnt that we had been successful in a Defra Landscape Recovery bid for work in the Brit Catchment. This was a huge achievement and will hope to help restore nature at scale in West Dorset over 20+ years. More details can be found about this here.
Due to the funding from Defra we now have a team in place and based out of an office in Salwayash near Bridport, but despite this we still see ourselves as a startup, and we have much to learn as well as much to offer. See the contact page for more details about the location and team.
Overwhelmingly, we know that we have to make a difference else there will be very little nature to leave to our children and grandchildren, so please help us do that.
Please do feel free to drop us a line, anytime and will do our best to get back to you.
Sam Rose
Exec Director
Photo (c) Sam Rose 2021, Mapperton White Park.